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Production Services

what's included

Video Editing

Color Grading / Color Correction

Audio Mixing

Motion Graphics


Format Conversion

Visual Effects (VFX) 2D/3D/Compositing


Closed Captioning

Foley sound




Social Media

2d Animation

Talking Pets

Video Advertising

Post Production


Real Estate


TV Pilots





Book Trailers



Green Screen


Social Media Content

The amount of content required to stay on top of your brand can be overwhelming. Whether that’s knowing how to execute a certain look or keep up with the sheer volume of content needed to “beat the algorithm”, we can take that part off your plate with the editing, filming, or both. We have worked with the biggest brands with social media and small businesses alike editing content for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, and Vimeo. Drop us a line to discuss.


2d Animation

Intros, lower thirds, An intro animation for example is one of the most important subliminal “wow” factors for any first impression to a brand. Do you want subtle or wildly attention-grabbing? Let us build something or execute an idea to add that refined touch to your product.. Your audience will appreciate the extra touch.


Talking Pets

Everyone loves animated (cartoon) talking animals, but live-action talking dogs and cats are one of the most advanced techniques in the industry. This is one of the most effective branding techniques out there to drive a huge audience.


Video Advertising

We have a plethora of effective advertising methods that have proven ROI with the biggest brands. 30, 15, 7 second spots. Ads with animated still pictures, 2d animation, festival highlights, recaps, promos, sizzle reels, product highlight, you name it. We will execute your ads “call to action” to get traffic, awareness and revenue flowing in the right direction. Look at some of our ads showcased on broadcast television during college bowl games!


Post Production

Are you a director or writer looking to get your indie film complete? We love editing and will make your footage shine. Editing, visual effects (VFX), color grading, or the whole package including musical composition, sound effects (SFX).



One of our specialties is fixing problems that arise in post production. Big and small, post production issues happen to the best of us. Do you have less than perfect green screen footage that needs a better key? A brand name was missed in the background and needs removed? Most problems can be resolved to save the shot. Take a look at some of our examples. Drop us a line to discuss yours.



We have worked extensively in the sports realm delivering content for major events, brands, and sponsorships to help deliver fans. College and pro alike have used our ads with success. We know timing is everything and under tight deadlines and last minute changes, we embrace the “2 minute drill.”


Real Estate

Getting a house is a dream built on hard work, so lets make it look perfect in your listing. How bout drone fly-in from your front driveway in to your living room…in one shot!<br /> Video is a must have in the world of real estate, renovation or construction. Do you need quick and simple footage of several listings or do you need a glamorous showcase of a big listing? Are you a contractor that needs a nice before-and-after compilation? Need to run an advertisement showing this? Drop us a line.


Influencers & Content Creators

Do you need footage edited that you can’t keep up with? Need a YouTube landing page intro video? Allow yourself to work on your content more and less on the technical stuff. No matter where you are located, we can conference call remotely to review edited material and deliver on time. Instagram, TikTok, FaceBook (Meta), YouTube, Vimeo; we can help you with any media platform size.


TV Pilots

Being creators ourselves, we love new ideas and memorable stories, so television pilots are one of our favorites to work on. We can work on any aspect of the pilot including production, post-production, and as producer.



Producing a documentary requires handling a more chaotic and unpredictable environment, so pre-production and backup systems are critical to a documentary success. We provide production and post production services in reality and documentary genres.


Start-Up Businesses

Starting up a business is exciting, but can be overwhelming when it comes to knowing and trusting the right people for the job. We can help you with YouTube intro videos, editing content, commercial spots for broadcast or social media content, and more. Drop us a line to discuss how we can help your business whether small business or an established brand. We have industry connections to help market your new brand.



Drones can open up a whole world of creative shots for your project. Whether it’s real estate, film, tv, or music videos, the right drone shot can bring it to the next level.



An impactful spot for your fashion brand sends a message of class to your audience. Lets create something special and memorable for your audience.


Corporate Branding

Whether its a training video, 3d animated logo intro, or social media content, we can help you with the creative, production, editing, and all the way to final product.


Book Trailers

We love reading and dropping a book trailer can be great marketing tool to promote the next book in your series. Simple moving photos with text or live-action drama, we can put a vivid trailer together to get your fans pumped up!



Are you a creative agency needing to contract an editor for specific projects, drop us a line.



A professionally-made interview setup can increase views and impact of the content. Whether you want a green screen setup, studio, or on-location spot we’ve got you covered. Ask us about our virtual sets using Unreal Engine!


Green Screen

Green or blue screen opens up the opportunity to place your actors in any place your mind can imagine. We’ve done green screen work for small and large clients. Drop us a line to see if its a fit for your production.

With over 12 years of experience, our work has aired on ESPN, ABC, jumbotrons at sports stadiums and with national brands on social media.

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